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Monday, June 16, 2014

Quiet Time: Work Hungry

Work Hungry 

A worker's appetite works for him, 
For his hunger urges him on. 
Proverbs 16:26 

 I memorized this verse as part of a challenge from my friend Bill. I say that to say this, Bill, just informed me today that he intends to retire in 2015. I was shocked!

You see, Bill is an incredible team member who has the best work ethic I’ve ever seen. He seems to never slow down and has a great reputation as a Christian who goes above what is considered an honest eight hours. I love that guy!

In my early years, Bill and I once worked together at the same facility (he works several miles away now) and we used to pray together before the start of each work day.

We also challenged each other to memorize scripture. Bill was really good at remembering the reference and I was better at recalling the actual scripture verse, so, I’d announce the verse and he’d call out the reference throughout the day to see if we still had the scripture memorized. What a great way to work!

I remember the day we memorized Proverbs 16:26. When we read it, we both felt like God was encouraging us to eat less during the day so that our energy levels wouldn’t fall off as usually happened after stuffing ourselves on a big lunch. You know what? It worked! No kidding, we ate enough to keep us satisfied without feeling satiated and were able to stay steady all day long.

Bill will be greatly missed at the company. But I’m glad that I have several memory verses hidden in my heart (Psalm 119:11) to remind me of his faithful walk with Christ and our friendship together.

The world needs more Bills. (He also teaches biblical concepts of finance...the pun is intended)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Quiet Time: Joy, Peace, Hope

Joy, Peace, Hope

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. – Romans 15:13

Without Jesus, life is hopeless.

Samuel’s mom was hopeless (1 Samuel 1:18) until a single word from God transported her  from downcast to uplifted. 

Like Hannah, the Christ follower hears God speak and remembers  that life is more than eating and drinking (what we see) and our hearts desire is awakened  to walk in righteousness, with peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). 

However, what is so wondrous about this change in attitude is that it comes not from a reversal in circumstance but by a simple yet profound change in perspective. 
  • God speaks and His Holy Spirit calms our heart with a peace that transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7). 

  • God speaks and His Holy Spirit enlivens our soul with a joy unspeakable and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8

  • God speaks and His indwelling Holy Spirit fills us with a hope in the appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

Bad news is sad news for everyone. 

Christians feel sorrow too, yet only for the moment; for, we know that our joy, peace, and hope are found in a Person, not a place, possession, or position. 

 Let The River Flow is a song that came to mind in my quiet time. Here's the link: