Thursday, May 5, 2011

Quiet Time: That's Just Not Right

That’s Just Not Right

Read: Psalm 67

Cease from anger and forsake wrath;
Do not fret; it leads only to evil doing – Psalm 67:8

“That’s just not right!” I could hear the frustration in John, the lead guitarist’s voice. He was using a borrowed guitar for worship team practice and for some odd reason the thing wouldn’t stay in tune. It kept going sharp. It may be helpful for those of us who are not musically inclined, to know that it usually takes just a couple of minutes to tune an instrument and I’ve never-ever-no never, heard of one detuning itself sharp. Most often a guitar will go flat (detune to a lower note). But, here was John, on his third failed tuning attempt, becoming more and more frustrated because things just weren’t making sense. So, he quietly placed the instrument back in the case, ambled toward the sound booth, and resigned himself to the tech team for the remainder of practice.

Sometimes life throws us a curve, and by life, I mean God. I believe there are moments in our lives when things just don’t make sense, and God allows it to be that way. The selfish person gets more stuff, the cheater wins the game, the bully beats up the wimp, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It’s like life, like a borrowed guitar, goes sharp for no apparent reason. Now, we may feel like chucking our present pridicament. But what if we determined to turn from whining to winning by proactively doing what Psalm 37:3 tells us to do: trust God, do good, stand firm, and be faithful.

The point is, I believe God allows us to experience frustrating situations in order to remind us that our hope is in Him and Him alone. So, let’s get our game face on, stand firm, and start being who God’s called us to be in midst of a fallen and fractured generation. Our job is to give God glory even when life just doesn't make sense; and that's just right!

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