Saturday, May 14, 2011

Song Series: Always


Read: Psalm 121:1-3

My help comes from the LORD,
Who made heaven and earth – Psalm 121:2

“I rescued him, thinking I was doing a good thing. His masters abused him. They tied him to a tree and beat him,” recalled Achibra, a noble fiftyish man with a sturdy, youthful build and mature eyes that command attention. “But, after the police gave him to his parents, he was once again sold by his parents, this time to fishermen working on the Bay of Guinea near the Ivory Coast.” This is John’s story, a boy who was sold into slavery by his parents. It is one of many told by several thousand children who work 14-20 hours a day as slaves in Ghana's fishing industry. Children are being left to fend for themselves by the very people who most kids look to for help. However, a ray of hope shines through as strangers from a foreign land intervene  bringing hope by rescuing the helpless. Every Christian should be able to relate to this story.

We were desperate and helpless before Christ. No hope, no future, no one who cared; or so we thought. Then someone shared the good news of the God who loves us and gave Himself up for us. Jesus, a stranger from a foreign land, intervened on our behalf and brought us a future and a hope. Unlike Mr. Achibra, God rescued us and it was indeed a good thing. Now, we have an opportunity to participate in His helping the hopeless both pragmatically and eternally.

Father’s House International in Ghana is a Christian based outreach making a difference. Their mission statement reads: “Father's House International is dedicated to helping the desperate and exploited children without much hope all around the world”. Achibra was one man trying to help one child. He did the best he could, and helped for a time. If only he knew about Father’s House International, his story would have a much happier conclusion. So, you may be wondering, what’s all this have to do with the song “Always”?

As I researched Kristian Stanfill’s new song “Always” I came across his website and clicked on NEWS. I noticed that he and his band took part in GHANA ROCK, a benefit concert to support The Father’s House in Ghana. The really cool thing about this benefit concert is that it was organized by a small group of passionate teenagers. “So, God wants me to follow the lead of a bunch of kids”, I thought to myself? Well, why not. The bible says a little child shall lead them (Isaiah 11:6) and God uses whomever He chooses. Therefore, I’m gonna suggest at my next practice that our worship team at The Palms Community take Father’s House on as a group ministry and outreach.

I want to help as many people as I can learn to look to the Lord for their help while seeing His love through the lives of His people as they reach out in His strength. God’s in the business of rescuing humans both great and small; and that’s a good thing…a really good thing, ALWAYS.

Here are some links that you may find useful:
Kristian Stanfill's chord charts (free!)
Father's House International:
Big World Magazine for more related info:
Youth Councils Leadership Page:

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