Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Quiet Time: No Backseat Drivers

No Backseat Drivers

Read: Mark 8:34-38

“If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me" - Mark 8:34

I have a real problem with backseat drivers. (Just ask my wife, she’ll tell you) I like to drive, but I can’t stand to be told how to drive. I don’t even like to follow other cars in a caravan! That's kinda how I relate to what Jesus is saying in the passage from the gospel of Matthew.

I think God wants us to give up the backseat self-help, self-centered, disinfected Americanized brand of religiosity (is that a word?) and begin to learn self-sacrifice and the joy of saying no to yourself.
OK, OK, I just lost half of you didn't I? Too preachy, right?

But, really, when we're planning our future through the eyes of our past and the limited knowledge we've acquired through education and various experts in the field, aren’t we actually trying to tell God what ought to be? God's ways are higher (Isaiah 55:9) do we really think they're going to square with anything this world has to say?

So, practically speaking, before making plans, talk with the Planner (God) (Isaiah 55:9), ask Him to help you understand his roadmap (bible) for the next step (Psalm 25:3-5) and then believe that He will accomplish it for His glory (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Oh, and as we wait for clarity; let's actually wait - not worry (Isaiah 40:31). Worry wrecks the word's work in us (Matthew 13:22).

Listen, God doesn't need our help, he wants our heart. So if He says, "Take up and follow" we’re obviously going to need to drop something and He's surely going to lead us.

So, Just let Him drive.

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