Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quiet Time: A Really Good Day

A Really Good Day

Read: Philippians 1:27-30

Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ… - Philippians 1:27

Life can be frustrating. Recently I had one of those days at work where manpower, machines, and materials seemed to converge and conspire against me to develop the “perfect storm” of frustration. First, before the start of the day shift, over half of my crew members called in sick. Next, our two large lifts (we only have two) were scheduled for maintenance mid-morning, and finally, I discovered that a major preplanned job was shorted the material needed for completion and the best ETA for said materials was two weeks out. That’s when I remembered that morning’s bible study and knew that God made this day for me to walk for His glory. It was going to be a really good day.

Walking: moving forward one step at a time. I believe that’s how God wants us to live. Paul was in a prison at the writing of this letter to the Philippians, so, if anyone understood the concept of walking with Jesus it was him. He probably didn’t know for sure the date of his trial, he certainly didn’t have legal representation to help him navigate the myriad false accusations against him, and Roman law being what it was, he understood that his chances for a speedy and fair outcome were laughable. Yet, here he is, encouraging the Philippians to walk worthy of their calling in Christ regardless of the circumstances surrounding them.

Walk worthy. There it is again; the silver thread that connects everyone who names the name of Jesus. Some of us are homemakers, some blue collar work-a-day guys and gals, and others professionals within a chosen field of expertise. Yet, we’re all called by God to walk with Him in a manner worthy of the gospel regardless of the pressures and unforeseen challenges along the way.

That’s why I knew; regardless of the pressures experienced at work that day, no matter the frustration associated with a lack of resources, and in spite of the fact that there was no plan B or help on the way, I was going to have a great day. I was walking with Jesus right where He wanted me to be.

As it turned out, our team pulled together like never before, I was able to postpone the maintenance on the lifts until later in the day, and we scrounged enough material to allow our customer to move forward on his project without delay. Oh, and by the way, every team member who came in to work that day was a Jesus follower, so, we all took it as a opportunity to grow and walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus.

Yep, I would say it was good day; a really good day - walking with Jesus along life’s way.

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