Monday, October 28, 2013

Quiet Time: Scripture Memory Card File

How to Build a Scripture Memory Card File

I told everyone in my last blog that I'd share a very simple method that will not only get you memorizing scripture but will guarantee your ability to recall what you’ve committed to memory weeks, months, and even years later.So, here it is:
  1. Get some 3 x 5 index cards with a  file box
  2. Label the divider tabs as follows: 
    • New
    • Sunday
    • Monday
    • Tuesday....etc

  3. Write down your first memory verse on a 3 x 5 index card
  4.  Place it behind "New" tab. (see picture at number 2 above)
  5. Review it every day until you have it memorized. 
    • Actually I carry it around in my pocket and review it all day. That's why my cards look so frumpy!
  6. On the day you memorize it, place it behind the divider tab for that day. 
    • In other words, if you begin working on a verse Monday and finally get it memorized by Thursday, you'd stick the verse behind the Thursday tab. (again see #2 above)
  7. Now, here's how you guarantee that you'll never forget it
    • Each day of the week you'll pull the verse out from behind the divider for that day and see if you can still recall it without messing up the words or address. (no cheating)
    • If you don't remember it, place it back behind the "New" tab and begin at step 5 again.
OK, time for a personal confession. I've not reviewed some of my old cards lately; therefore, I've forgotten many of the verse addresses. Looks like there are going to be quite a few cards behind the "Now" tab again!
Other things to do with your card:
  • Use the back of the card as a journal, noting why the verse is important to you and how God is is working in your life through it at that moment.
    I add a few words of the verse to get me started when first trying to memorize it/
  • List any cross references that help shed light on the verse.
  • Note the day and date that you memorize the verse. You'll be amazed to see several years later the things God was revealing to you through scripture at that particular time in your life.
  • Draw a picture that helps you recall the scripture especially if it's part of a larger idea. (Once I drew a picture of a lighthouse with the foundation representing one verse, the structure another verse, and the light as the third part of a three part idea of the Word being my foundation, strong tower, and light. Hey, don't laugh, it worked for me!

  • I have a pastor friend who says that he took it one step further. First, he makes another set of dividers for prayer requests. Next, he writes down the request and places it behind the "New" tab. Finally, he moves the card to the day the request was answered. Now, that's a man of faith!

On a side note:  I'd suggest moving your verses to a monthly review file once you feel that you've gotten them well in hand and can recall them at will.

By the way, there are many variations on this idea. Google "Scripture Memory Index Cards".

Here are a couple of links to home school moms with ideas that may be helpful. (much more detailed than my version) Go moms!:

Scripture Memory Box

You've gotta love a mom who's tech savvy.  

Check out this YouTube video:


Don't forget to comment back with how you're doing, as well as, any other ideas you may have that will help us all memorize more scripture.

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