Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Quiet Time: How to Find the Wrong Church

How to Find The Wrong Church

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. - 1 John 1:3

I once heard a speaker at a church conference say, "You can always tell who's 'with you' by how much money they give to the church and whether or not their giving drops off." I remember thinking, "You know, bro, you're probably right, but do you really want them 'with you' or 'with Christ'?" The bible seems to teach that fellowship grows through what a church proclaims about Jesus and how the believer walks that truth out in day to day life.

Please read the following slowly. The points are a parody.

Sometimes I think too many of us look for all the wrong things when choosing a church. May-be we've even been conditioned to expect certain things that God never intended as test of true fellowship. Consequently we can easily end up in the wrong church.

That said, here are a few things to look for to insure you end up in the wrong church:

  1. A Wrong View of Scripture. In the wrong church, the bible can be interpreted according to the point being made by the speaker; after all, in their eyes, the bible is not inherently true. Furthermore, the wrong church believes that the bible is not the only rule for faith and practice. There are plenty of other "good books" out their that probably do a better job. The truth is; the Word was inspired by God and is the only means by which Christian conduct can be determined. (2 Tim. 4:15-16; 2 Pet. 1:20-21)
  2. A Lack of Preaching and Teaching from the Word. The bible is treated as one source among many in teaching truth and doctrine. Most teaching is topical and the Word is interpreted according to the perceived felt  need of the listener. However, the bible instructs a strong commitment by the teacher that requires perseverance toward in depth personal study and proper exegesis (Acts 20:27; 1 Tim. 4:13-16; 2 Tim. 4:1-5).
  3. Doctrinal Duplicity. The wrong church doesn't teach Jesus' virgin birth, Christ being God in flesh, man's wickedness and utter inability to please God apart from Christ's sacrifice for sin. Nor does it teach Jesus' death, burial, and bodily resurrection from the dead. Salvation by grace through faith alone; the second coming; and the ordinances of baptism and Communion are all considered debatable in the wrong church. Nonetheless, the bible teaches that the right church will not just say they believe they will actually walk it out (James 1:22; Luke 6:45-46; John 13:17)
 Do you want to find the wrong church? Then, just look for a church home based on it's programs, popularity, and preaching style alone. Whatever you do, don't pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance in accordance with the Word. If you do, you might mess up and accidentally find God's choice church for you and your family.

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