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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Song Series: The Greatness of Our God

The Greatness of Our God

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:6-8

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;

A month to live. What would you do?

Keith is the worship arts pastor at Woodland Baptist in Bradenton. I don’t really know him, his name popped up in my e-mail this morning as someone who needs our prayers. Now, I’m not trying to bum you out, because neither Keith, his wife, nor his kids seemed crushed by this recent news. To the contrary, Keith is fully engaged in the life of his family, as well as, his church. However, what really caught my attention was the line in his recent update that reads, “Keith has been busy planning his funeral.” Planning his funeral, are you kidding me? Keith’s wife finishes the paragraph by writing, “I have to tell you that God's peace has surrounded us every step of the way. Week before last especially I felt closer to God than I have in my entire life.”

I think that we Christians sometimes take our walk with Christ and the accompanying peace for granted. Perhaps we’ve been saved so long that the presence of Christ has become mundane and blasé; nothing more than just another part of our personality. Then, one day, we are confronted with life’s frailty and we remember that God is real and is above it all giving us grace to see beyond the moment here. 

I’m sorry for Brother Keith’s battle with cancer. I hate what disease does to us physically, but I’m so glad for what it brings out in us spiritually. Sure, I’m praying for a miracle, but it seems a miracle has already occurred. Keith is getting ready to go home; his real home. Neither life nor death has power over him because he is walking in the presence of His Lord.

Keith’s wife asks that we agree with her in prayer. She says, “We are praying for God's grace and mercy. We are praying that Keith's mind will stay clear until the end.” Amen, Lord Jesus, make it so.

The Greatness Of Our God
Authors: Jason Ingram
Reuben Morgan
Stuart David Garrard

Verse 1
Give me eyes to see more of who You are
May what I behold still my anxious heart
Take what I have known and break it all apart
You my God are greater still

Chorus 1
And no sky contains
No doubt restrains all You are
The greatness of our God
I spend my life to know
And I'm far from close to all You are
The greatness of our God

Verse 2
Give me grace to see beyond this moment here
To believe that there is nothing left to fear
And that You alone are high above it all
You my God are greater still

And there is nothing that could ever separate us
There is nothing that could ever separate us
From Your love
No life no death of this I am convinced
That You my God are greater still


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