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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Quiet Time: SURPRISE!

Wakartu Cory Surprise
Kurtal Jiwari 2009
Read: Ephesians 1:3-14

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,

I never know what to expect on Sunday mornings.

Anything can happen; a faulty eletrical system can turn a full powered musical selection into an impromptu a-cappella session (without instrumental accompaniment). Or, like today, an accomplished five member worship team can become a dynamic Spirit filled trio. However, past experience has taught me to expect great things from God when preconceived plans are unexpectedly sidelined. And, let me tell you, today was no exception.

Somehow, before the first down beat, I just knew that this was going to be a terrific time together. Even our morning sound check flowed over the banks. Our little trio paused after the last run-through and the team flashed furtive glances at each other that seemed to say, “Did you feel that?”

Then, when the congregation got their chance to participate, I almost stopped singing just to listen to them. I love to hear God’s people worship! I wish you coud've been there!

Finally, Dr. Stahl taught on expecting a blessing, and as if to place an exclamation point on the topic, three people asked Jesus into their heart by the end of the worship service. NOW THAT IS A BLESSING!

So, no, I never know what to expect on Sunday mornings, but one thing’s for sure, I know to expect a blessing!

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