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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Song Series: We Believe

We Believe
...but sometimes we doubt

Jesus said to him, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed." - John 20:29

...but sometimes we doubt. 

I've been working on the song "We Believe" by the Newsboys that speaks so well to what we, as Christ followers do in deed believe. It a refreshing modern hymn that couldn't have come along at a better time.

You see, from time to time I run across people from my past. Often the first thing they ask, is "Where are you leading worship Brother Doug?"   Naturally, in return I ask, "And, what church are you attending?" Many times the answer is some variation of, "Well, we're kind of between churches." Now, you know what I'm going to ask next: "Why?" The answers vary, but for the most part they all boil down to one thing; doubt. We doubt God's sovereignty and presence; plain and simple.

Christ's crucifixion caused Thomas to doubt his initial faith in Jesus as Savior.Thomas did what many of us do when we struggle. He withdrew and reassessed the situation (John 20:24). But, Tom was open about his doubt (John 20:25) and never stopped hanging out with the guys who still believed. Interestingly, had he stayed away from the other disciples, Thomas may have never experienced the resurrected Christ. Tom maintained his fellowship when he could’ve just walked away and that's when Jesus showed up (John 20:27).

It's okay to doubt and struggle with God's presence and sovereignty. But don't stay there; and, by all means don't stay away from other Christ followers. Instead, be honest about your struggles, get with guys and gals who love Jesus. After all, Jesus is present, in their presence. (Matthew 18:20).

So, "What church are you attending Sunday?"  

Get in His presence and don't give the devil a foothold (Ephesians 4:27).

Here's a link to the song with lyrics:

 Link to story behind the song "We Believe"



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