Just get on with it!
He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap. (Ecclesiastes 11:4)
According to Psychology Today, a top cause for procrastination is an "absence of structure". In other words, remove impulsive distractions (Facebook) and just get to work. Psy Today
Facebook didn't exist then; but, I'm sure old testament folks had their personal distractions. After all, the wisest guy in history was inspired to write "Industry provides profit - idleness produces poverty" -Doug's translation- (Proverbs 12:24)
Note to self: Stop thinking about what needs to be done; just start doing it.
Andy Stanley, one of my favorite leadership coaches, is pretty blunt in his assessment: "Recruit doers, not thinkers. It's much easier to educate a doer than it is to motivate a thinker...rent a thinker, hire a doer." A Stanley
Musicians will relate to the following quote from the maestro, Tchaikovsky: “There is no doubt that even the greatest musical geniuses have sometimes worked without inspiration. This guest (inspiration) does not always respond to the first invitation. We must always work, and a self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood.
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