Then the angel of the LORD said to her, "Return to your
mistress, and submit yourself to her authority." – Genesis 16:9
It was wrong of Sarai to mistreat her maid, Hagar. Unfortunately, people often
lord their positions over one another, especially when we feel our place is
being threatened by a subordinate.
However, doing what God says to do when He makes His way
clear is always better than running our own way or worse, running away.
How often has a word from the LORD come to us in a time of need;
but, had we simply submitted to its
bidding the stress would soon be replaced by a sense of inner peace and strength
from the indwelling Holy Spirit as we walk in accordance with God’s direction?
When we are bewildered and beset with fear and frustration,
that’s the time to stop and listen closely to what God has to say. Then, simply
submit to it.
Return; it is the LORD God whom you serve.
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